If you are going through a rough time
and need a little inspiration then you
are in the right place. One quote that
has become famous for people is one that
says if you are going through tough
times, keep
going. What this means is; you will
eventually come out on the other side.
Read through this issue's words of
encouragement during a difficult time
and hopefully they will give you the urge to
keep going.
When you are facing a difficult time,
giving-up guarantees that you never get
out of it. When you are confronted by
situations and problems you need to
approach them with an attitude of
tenacity and determination. Yes, you
will feel discouraged at some point, but
then it will only be temporary. My
words of encouragement during a
difficult time to you are that you need
to learn to endure. I am therefore
sending you the gift of encouragement.
As always I hope you enjoy the
selections I have brought you this
head editor