
This is a page that will help you convert colors between RGB, CMYK and HSV color spaces. Some examples:
Sea Green Royal Blue
Indigo Sienna
Firebrick Light coral


To get a list of all RGB colors with an official name, check the RGB color chart
This color
#555544 (original)
CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Key)

(values between 0 and 1)

Adjusted CMY:

(values between 0 and 100%)

RGB (Red Green Blue)

(values between 0 and 255)

HEX (hexadecimal) notation:

Other color models
Greyscale 83 (67.5 % grey)
HSV (Hue/Saturation/Value) 60° / 20.0% / 33.3%
HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) 60° / 6.7% / 30.0%
YUV (Luminance/Chrominance) 32.6% / -2.9% / 0.7%
YIC (Luminance/Chrominance) 32.6% / 2.1% / -18.7%
(via Warpgear)
Gradient to white
Gradient from black


Remark: Just like language translation, color conversion is not always a straight-forward one-to-one mapping. Specifically, RGB has less degrees of freedom (3) than CMYK (4). Therefore, although one can convert any RGB to CMYK without losing information, the inverse is not the case. When a CMYK color is converted to RGB, some information is lost. When you convert that RGB color back to CMYK, you will in most cases get a different (but similar) color.
amarelo, amarillo, azul, bianco, blanc, blanco, blau, blaues, blauw, bleu, blu, blue, branco, chiaro, cinzento, claro, cmyk, code, color, colour, couleur, cyaan, cyan, cymk, dark, degrade, donker, Dunkles, escuro, foncé, geel, gelb, gelbes, giallo, grey, gray, monochromen, graues, green, grigio, grijs, gris, groen, grun, grünes, helles, jaune, key, kleur, kobalt, léger, licht, ligero, light, magenta, negro, nero, noir, opaque, oscuro, pantone, pastel, pourpre, preto, púrpura, purpurrotes, red, rgb, rojo, rood, rosso, rot, rotes, rouge, roxo, schwarzes, scuro, space, spectrum, tint, verde, vermelho, vert, viola, weißes, wit, yellow, zwart

Page provided by Peter Forret - Remarks to